The Heritage Council’s Reaching Out Award was awarded to event organisers on the 22nd of February 2017 to those who reached out to new audiences and helped more people enjoy Heritage Week in 2016.
The Casino Marino found a photo in their archives from 1941 of eighty-three men of F Company 2nd Battalion IRA seated on the south lawn of Casino Marino. This photo included such famous names as Oscar Traynor and Harry Colley amongst others.
Through word of mouth, social media, and PR we made contact with over eighty relatives of the original group. Our event recreated the photograph in the same location and format, with the relatives, during National Heritage Week.
We were delighted to win the Runner Up Award for reuniting a group of people with a shared history in a novel and welcoming way.
Click here to read more about Revolutionary Marino, and here for details of our Tunnel Vision exhibition, which you can visit from April.